2021年5月15日,由同济大学交通安全国际合作联合实验室、中国公路学会国际合作部和上海市交通工程学会共同组织的关于专著《Highway Safety Analytics and Modeling》的研讨会顺利开展。会议采用“线上”模式,同济大学交通安全国际合作联合实验室的执行主任王雪松教授主持会议;研讨会共持续一个半小时,超过100名研究人员与学生参加会议。
专著《Highway Safety Analytics and Modeling》分为三部分,共包含12个章节,主要介绍了如何基于道路安全数据分析在交通运输工程和政策方面做出有效决策,全面涵盖了其中的关键要素。专著首先介绍了决策过程涉及的各个方面,包括数据收集、数据汇编、模型开发、分析结果评估等;继而讨论了使用事故数据和自然驾驶数据所面临的挑战,总结了相关问题并提出了它们的解决方法;最后探讨了道路安全数据分析的结果,并展示如何利用这些信息来制定改善对策、 政策和规划,以减少交通事故的发生频率及降低交通事故的严重程度。
该专著由三位学者共同撰写,他们分别是德克萨斯农工大学土木与环境工程系的Dominique Lord教授、威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校土木与环境工程系的Xiao Qin教授和德克萨斯农工运输研究中心的Srinivas R. Geedipally博士。研讨会上,三位作者讲述了撰写此书的动机和意义,并共同向听众介绍了这本专著的组织结构和重点内容,包括数据采集、事故频数建模、交通安全领域的横截面数据模型和面板数据模型、事故多发地点判别、数据挖掘与机器学习等。会议最后,参会人员与专著作者就本书的内容及目前交通安全领域的挑战进行了热烈的讨论。多名参会学者表示该书涵盖了道路安全分析领域的重要知识点,综合程度非常高,是科学研究、工程应用、课堂教学的优秀参考书目。
《Highway Safety Analytics and Modeling》专著研讨会海报
On 15th May 2021, an online book release seminar on “Highway Safety Analytics and Modeling” was co-hosted by Tongji University Joint International Research Laboratory of Transportation Safety, International Cooperation Department of China Highway and Transportation Society, and Shanghai Institute of Traffic Engineering. The main aim was to present the book content and review exciting traffic issues to have safer roads.
The seminar was held by Professor Xuesong Wang from Tongji University. Three co-authors of the book presented at the seminar. They are Professor Dominique Lord from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Texas A&M University, Professor Xiao Qin from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Dr. Srinivas R. Geedipally from Texas A&M Transportation Research Center.
The book co-authors presented around 12 main themes for the presentation that covered the major following topics:
◇ Fundamentals and data collection
◇ Crash frequency modeling
◇ Cross-sectional and panel studies in safety
◇ Identification of hazardous sites
◇ Capacity, mobility, and safety
◇ Data mining and machine learning techniques
There were more than 100 attendees from the international universities and communities that included professors, students, statisticians, academics, and other users of data. This was a strong indicator of the distinguished interest in this subject. The presentation was followed by a discussion session that included questions and suggestions about the book, as well as the obstacles of transportation safety.
As the next step, a collaboration between organizations will continue to be encouraged via seminars and conferences and official bodies to share the knowledge in the field of road safety analysis.
The two figures show “Highway Safety Analytics and Modeling” Book Flyer