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宝马集团董事、负责研发的H.Diess先生携集团同事于2014年7月18日-19日访华,王雪松教授应邀莅临宝马体验中心,就中国道路交通安全的有关情况,做了题为“Traffic Safety Status, Research and Application”的学术报告。

In the presentation, Dr. Wang introduced the overall safety status, research and application efforts for crash prevention in China. He shared his research experience in Traffic Safety at Tongji University. Specific information was included, China overall traffic safety situation, Shanghai strategic transportation system safety plan, safety analysis using Tongji University 8 DOF Driving Simulator, safety analysis for different roadway infrastructures (i.e., intersection, urban arterials, urban expressway, suburban arterials, freeway, and tunnel), WebGIS based safety management system development, Crash in-depth analysis, Shanghai Naturalistic Driving study, and vehicle ADAS system functional design.

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