2013年1月12日至22日,赴美国华盛顿参加第92届TRB年会,本次年会共发表了6篇论文,并和University of Central Florida的Abdel-Aty教授合作一篇论文。
1. Wu X., Wang X., Lin H., He Y., Yang L.. Evaluating Alignment Consistency for Mountainous Expressway in Design Stage: A Driving Simulator-Based Approach.
2. Wang X., Xie K., Abdel-Aty M., Tremont P., Chen X. A Systematic Approach for Hazardous Intersection Identification and Countermeasure Development.
3. Wang X., Song Y., Huang H. Safety Analysis of Suburban Arterials in Shanghai.
4. Wang X., Wang L. Analysis of Knowledge of Crossing Rules, Self-reported Behavior, and Observed Behavior at Intersections.
5. Chen M., Wang X., Zhang H., Wang L., He Y., Schost C., You S. Collision Avoidance Behavior in Rear-end Collision Scenarios: A Driving Simulator Study.
6. Peng J., Wang X., Yang J. Transportation Problems and Metropolitan Planning in China: Insights from Latest Metropolitan Planning Abroad.
7. Yu R., Abdel-Aty M., Ahmed M., Wang X. Crash Type Propensity Analysis with Bayesian Models using Microscopic Traffic and Weather Data.
会议期间和美国多个大学的学者进行了学术交流。会后和University of Maryland,FHWA Turner Fairback Research Center,弗吉尼亚理工大学,University of Wangshington进行了交流。