Student introduction/学生介绍:
Ahmad Yehia, a graduate of the Master of Science (MSc) in Transportation Engineering, started his study in September 2019 at Jiading Campus of Tongji University, from Egypt.
留学生Ahmad Yehia,于2019年9月入学同济大学,就读交通运输工程专业,硕士学位,国籍为埃及。
Campus Experience/校园生活:
Ahmad said “I can’t forget the first time I landed on the campus it is unforgettable, the moment I saw green gardens and amazing buildings is still stuck in my memory. The campus life was pretty great, starting with my friendly and supportive research group, moving forward to my preferable mediation time looking at the sky after reading my favourite books along the university lake before nightfall. In general, those days significantly influenced the formation of my character and I wish to be there again.”

Figure 1: Ahmad's first meeting with his supervisor, Prof. Wang, and other international students, on 10th Sept 2019. College of Transportation Engineering, Jiading Campus, Tongji University.

Figure 2: Group photo of the 2020 annual group meeting, on 18th Jan 2020.College of Transportation Engineering, Jiading Campus, Tongji University.

Figure 3: 2020 annual meeting gathering dinner, on 18th Jan 2020. Shanghai, China.
Thesis Defense/毕业论文答辩:
On 29 April 2022, Ahmad presented his Master’s Thesis for “Develop A Robust Real-time Crash Risk Prediction Model”, supervised by Professor Xuesong Wang.

Figure 4: Ahmad was presenting his Master’s thesis via an online meeting, on 29th April 2022.
This study focused on analyzing a large amount of new traffic technologies data, such as floating car data, to develop a real-time crash risk prediction model using artificial intelligence. The proposed models have an essential function in identifying the hazardous traffic conditions that tend to precede a crash within a short-time window. The main objectives of his research are summarized as follows:
Introduce a map-matching approach for the floating car data on expressways;
Examine imbalanced classification algorithms, and compare them with several deep learning models to identify the best modeling framework;
Explore multiple threshold selection methods for separating potential traffic crash risk conditions from normal traffic conditions for real-world interventions.
Substantial benefits:
The proposed AdaBoost-CNN contributes to advancing research in predicting real-time crash risk on expressways using large amounts of imbalanced and continuous real-time traffic data;
The transfer learning technique substantially influences the prediction accuracy of the proposed AdaBoost-CNN, as well as the computation cost of real-time crash risk analysis;
The findings suggest a profitable and very persuasive way for FCD map-matching approach, newly proposed in this study to transform GPS coordinates into traffic characteristics, such as traffic volume and speed, for the corresponding segments.
The graduate committee members were particularly impressed by the thesis topic, especially the high-quality methodology, ability to communicate his ideas clearly, and relevant and counter-intuitive results, which encourage the publication of his findings. Therefore, the jury nominated this study for the award of best master’s thesis.

Figure 5: Ahmad's Master thesis graduate committee members, on 29th April 2022.
Research Experience/科研项目与学术成果:
In parallel to the thesis work, Ahmad had a significant contribution to his research group and he was interested in sharing knowledge with his colleague and didn’t hesitate to support his teammate tighter and always for the group's success. In addition, he participated in several projects for the Joint International Research Laboratory of Transportation Safety at Tongji University, such as:
Suzhou belt freeway potential traffic safety hazard assessment project, funded by Suzhou Raocheng Expressway Co., Ltd., from 2019 to 2020.
Tasks: Crash Modeling, Image Processing of traffic video surveillance data.
International Comparative Analyses of Road Traffic Safety Statistics and Safety Modeling, fundef by China Science and Technology Exchange Center, from 2019 to 2021.
Tasks: GPS data analysis, Real-time Crash Risk Prediction.
In addition, Ahmad presented two research papers on Transportation Research Board (TRB). In addition, one of those papers is published in Accident Analysis and Prevention (AAP), and another one is under review for publication. His publications can be summarized as follows:
Ahmad共完成学术论文4篇,其中2篇会议论文发表在美国交通研究委员会Transportation Research Board (TRB),1篇期刊论文发表在Accident Analysis and Prevention (AAP),另一篇AAP在审:
Journal Papers/期刊论文:
[1]Yehia, A., Wang, X., Feng, M., Yang, X., Gong, J., Zhu, Z., 2021. Applicability of boosting techniques in calibrating safety performance functions for freeways.
Published in Accident Analysis and Prevention, 159, 106193.
[2]Yehia, A., Wang, X., Wang, T., 2021. Using an Imbalanced Classification Algorithm and Floating Car Data for Predicting Real-Time Traffic Crash Risk on Expressways.
Submitted to Accident Analysis and Prevention (Under Review).
Conference Papers/学术会议论文:
[3]Yehia, A., Wang, X., Wang, T., 2021. Utilizing Imbalanced Classification Algorithm for Real-Time Safety Analysis Using Floating Car Data on Expressway.
Presented in 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C.
[4]Feng, M., Wang, X., Cai, B., Yehia, A., Zhong, M., 2021. Hourly Traffic Crash Prediction Using Environmental and Electric Vehicle Big Data.
Presented in 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C.

Figure 6: Ahmad was defending his Master’s thesis proposal, on 8th Nov 2020.College of Transportation Engineering, Jading Campus, Tongji Uiervisty.

Figure 7: Ahmad was showing tricks and tips for his research to improve their presentation skills, 8th Nov 2021.College of Transportation Engineering, Jading Campus, Tongji Uiervisty.
Future Plans/未来计划:
Eventually, Ahmad is currently seeking a doctoral opportunity to continue what he already started at Tongji University, he said “Actually, after my experience at Tongji University, I become passionate about scientific research. As well, I would like to continue my academic career and be one of the most influential researchers in the field all over the world. And I wish to return to China again and have the chance to meet my Chinese big family!”

Figure 8 Figure 6: Leaving day gathering before returning home, on 30th Nov 2022.Jading Campus Tongji University.