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Evaluation of the optimal quantity of in-vehicle information icons using a fuzzy synthetic evaluation model in a driving simulator

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Abstract: n-Vehicle Information (IVI) features such as navigation assistance play an important role in the travel of drivers around the world. Frequent use of IVI, however, can easily increase the cognitive load of drivers. The interface design, especially the quantity of icons presented to the driver such as those for navigation, music, and phone calls, has not been fully researched. To determine the optimal number of icons, a systematic evaluation of the IVI Human Machine Interface (HMI) was examined using single-factor and multivariate analytical methods in a driving simulator. When one-way ANOVA was performed, the results showed that the 3-icon design scored best in subjective driver assessment, and the 4-icon design was best in the steering wheel angle. However, when a new method of analyzing the data that enabled a simultaneous accounting of changes observed in the dependent measures, 3 icons had the highest score (that is, revealed the overall best performance). This method is referred to as the fuzzy synthetic evaluation model (FSE). It represents the first use of it in an assessment of the HMI design of IVI. The findings also suggest that FSE will be applicable to various other HMI design problems.

Jiawen Chen, Xuesong Wang*, Zhouyang Cheng, Yan Gao, Paul J. Tremont. Evaluation of the optimal quantity of in-vehicle information icons using a fuzzy synthetic evaluation model in a driving simulator. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 176, October 2022, 106813.

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