Abstract: Traditionally, traffic characteristics such as speed, volume, and travel time are obtained from a range of sensors and systems such as inductive loop detectors (ILDs), automatic number plate recognition cameras (ANPR), and GPS-equipped floating cars. However, many issues associated with these data have been identified in the existing literature. Although roadside surveillance cameras cover most road segments, especially on freeways, existing techniques to extract traffic data (e.g., speed measurements of individual vehicles) from video are not accurate enough to be employed in a proactive traffic management system. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a technique for estimating traffic data from video captured by surveillance cameras. This paper then develops a deep learning-based video processing algorithm for detecting, tracking, and predicting highly disaggregated vehicle-based data, such as trajectories and speed, and transforms such data into aggregated traffic characteristics such as speed variance, average speed, and flow. By taking traffic observations from a high-quality LiDAR sensor as ‘ground truth’, the results indicate that the developed technique estimates lane-based traffic volume with an accuracy of 97%. With the application of the deep learning model, the computer vision technique can estimate individual vehicle-based speed calculations with an accuracy of 90–95% for different angles when the objects are within 50 m of the camera. The developed algorithm was then utilised to obtain dynamic traffic characteristics from a freeway in southern China and employed in a statistical model to predict monthly crashes.
Bowen Cai, Yuxiang Feng, Xuesong Wang, Mohammed Quddus*. Highly Accurate Deep Learning Models for Estimating Traffic Characteristics from Video Data. Applied Sciences, 2024, 14(19): 8664.