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A driving simulator study for drivers’ response time under rear-end scenarios

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Ming Chen,Xuesong Wang,Hui Zhang,Lili Wang,Shikai You

Abstract:This study investigated drivers’ braking responses using a simulated car-following task under different initial headways and different lead vehicle decelerations. Study participants drove a high fidelity driving simulator with an 8-degree-of-freedom motion system. The experiment used a four-factor mixed experimental design, with headway and lead vehicle decelerations being the within group factors and age and driving experience being the between group factors. A total of 30 drivers were given the opportunity to avoid a collision by braking/steering when a lead vehicle slowed at initial headway distances of 1.5sec and 2.5sec, and at decelerations of 0.3g, 0.5g, and 0.75g. ANOVA with repeated measures was used to compare the drivers’ perception response time across the different conditions. Results showed that a) drivers’ Perception Response Time was less under lower initial headway and larger LV deceleration conditions; The propensity of using a braking or braking and a steering maneuver to avoid the collision was also examined.

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