2025年04月01日 星期二
Towards Human-like Speed Control in Autonomous Vehicles: A Mountainous Freeway Case [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Operational design domain of automated vehicles for crossing maneuvers at two-way stop-controlled intersections [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Automated Vehicle Failure: the First Pedestrian Fatality and Public Perception [Transportation Research Record] [SCI/EI引用]
Operational Design Domain of Automated Vehicles at Freeway Entrance Terminals [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Developing an improved automatic preventive braking system based on safety-critical car-following events from naturalistic driving study data [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Efficiency performance and safety evaluation of the responsibility-sensitive safety in freeway car-following scenarios using automated longitudinal controls [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Calibrating and Comparing Autonomous Braking Systems in Motorized-to-NonMotorized-Vehicle Conflict Scenarios [IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems] [SCI/EI引用]
AggFollower: Aggressiveness Informed Car-Following Modeling. [IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles] [SCI/EI引用]
Real-Time Risk Identification and Prediction for the Target Lane’s Following Vehicle during Lane Change [Transportation Research Record] [SCI/EI引用]
Evaluation of false alarm alarms in truck FCW based on calibration of RSS model under different driving scenarios [International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology] [EI引用]
Evolving testing scenario generation and intelligence evaluation for automated vehicles [Transportation Research Part C] [SCI/EI引用]
Pedestrian crash causation analysis and active safety system calibration [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Freeway merging trajectory prediction for automated vehicles using naturalistic driving data [International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology] [EI引用]
LF-Net: A Learning-based Frenet Planning Approach for Urban Autonomous Driving [IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles] [SCI/EI引用]
Pedestrian Safety in an Automated Driving Environment: Calibrating and Evaluating the Responsibility-Sensitive Safety Model [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Automatic Emergency Braking System for Trucks for Two-wheeler Longitudinal Collision Avoidance [Transportation Research Record] [SCI/EI引用]
Evaluation of Automatic Emergency Braking Systems in Two-wheeler Crash Scenarios [Transportation Research Record] [SCI/EI引用]
Analysis of pre-crash scenarios and contributing factors for autonomous vehicle crashes at intersections [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Modeling Car-Following Behavior on Freeways [Journal of Transportation Engineering] [SCI/EI引用]
Crash Comparison of Autonomous and Conventional Vehicles Using Pre-Crash Scenario Typology [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Towards Human-like Speed Control in Autonomous Vehicles: A Mountainous Freeway Case [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
An Automated Vehicle Failure: the First Pedestrian Fatality and Public Perception [Transportation Research Record] [SCI/EI引用]
Operational Design Domain of Autonomous Vehicles at Skewed Intersection [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Feasibility Study of Highway Alignment Design Controls for Autonomous Vehicles [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Calibration and evaluation of responsibility-sensitive safety (RSS) in automated vehicle performance during cut-in scenarios. [Transportation Research Part C] [SCI/SSCI/EI引用]
Calibration and Evaluation of the Responsibility-Sensitive Safety Model of Autonomous Car-Following Maneuvers Using Naturalistic Driving Study Data [Transportation Research Part C] [SCI/EI引用]
Safe, efficient, and comfortable velocity control based on reinforcement learning for autonomous driving [Transportation Research Part C] [SCI/EI引用]
Assessing the Relationship between Self-Reported Driving Behaviors and Driver Risk Using a Naturalistic Driving Study [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Impact on Car Following Behavior of a Forward Collision Warning System with Headway Monitoring [Transportation Research Part C] [SCI/EI引用]
Examining Lane Change Gap Acceptance, Duration and Impact Using Naturalistic Driving Data [Transportation Research Part C] [SCI/EI引用]
Human-Like Autonomous Car-Following Model with Deep Reinforcement Learning [Transportation Research Part C] [SCI/EI引用]
Modeling Car-Following Behavior on Urban Expressways in Shanghai: A Naturalistic Driving Study [Transportation Research Part C] [SCI/EI引用]
Drivers’ rear end collision avoidance behaviors under different levels of situational urgency [Transportation Research Part C] [SCI/EI引用]
Development of a kinematic-based Forward Collision Warning algorithm using a driving simulator [IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems] [SCI/EI引用]
面向自动驾驶的道路适驾性研究进展 [中国公路学报] [EI引用]
交叉口自动驾驶车辆事故前场景生成与致因分析 [中国公路学报] [EI引用]
基于自然驾驶数据的高速公路跟驰模型参数标定 [中国公路学报] [EI引用]
基于自然驾驶数据的危险事件识别方法 [同济大学学报] [EI引用]
基于自然驾驶数据的危险事件研究 [交通与运输] [引用]
基于自然驾驶数据的变道切入行为分析 [同济大学学报] [EI引用]
基于自然驾驶数据的中国驾驶员城市快速路跟驰模型标定与验证 [中国公路学报] [EI引用]
工况紧急程度对驾驶员避撞行为的影响 [同济大学学报] [EI引用]
基于自然驾驶数据的驾驶员变道特征分析 [交通信息与安全] [引用]
基于驾驶模拟器的驾驶人制动后制动踏板操作行为分析 [交通信息与安全] [引用]
AccidentGPT: A V2X Environmental Perception Multi-modal Large Model for Accident Analysis & Prevention [2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)] [EI引用]
Operational Design Domain of Autonomous Vehicles in Freeway Entrance Terminals [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Developing an Improved Automatic Preventive Braking System Based on Safety Critical Car-Following Events from Naturalistic Driving Study Data [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Analysis of Left-turn Vehicle Operation Characteristics at Intersection Using Trajectory Data [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Crashes and Near Crashes Causation Analysis Using Naturalistic Driving Data [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Multi-dimensional Cut-in High-risk Test Scenarios Generation Method for Autonomous Vehicles [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Application of Lattice Planner Algorithm to Handle Turning Trajectory for Autonomous Vehicles at Intersections [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Cut-in Test Scenarios Generation Method for Autonomous Vehicles [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Anthropomorphic Automated Driving Speed Control Algorithm on Complex Alignment Freeways [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Modeling Car-following Behavior on Freeways Considering Driving Style [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Automated Car-following Control Algorithm for Multiple Objectives on Freeways [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Performance and Safety Evaluation of Responsibility-Sensitive Safety in Freeway Car-Following Scenarios Using the Intelligent Driver Model and Model Predictive Control [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Differences in Freeway Car Following: Empirical Findings from Naturalistic Driving Studies in Shanghai and Ann Arbor [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Analyzing the Receptivity of Vulnerable Road Users When Crossing Roads with the Presence of Autonomous Vehicles [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Consistency Analysis of Drivers Car Following Behaviors [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Examining Causal Factors of Traffic Conflicts at Intersections Using Vehicle Trajectory Data [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Vehicle-Pedestrian Conflict Scenarios Easily Missed by Pedestrian Collision Warning System [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Impact on Car Following Behavior of a Forward Collision Warning System with Headway Monitoring [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Calibrating Car-Following Models on Surface Roads Using Shanghai Naturalistic Driving Data [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Calibrating Car-Following Models on Freeway Based on Naturalistic Driving Study [The 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2019)] [引用]
Human-Like Autonomous Car-Following Planning by Deep Reinforcement Learning [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
An Exploration of Cut-in Behavior and Gap Acceptance Using Shanghai Naturalistic Driving Data [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
Calibrating car-following models on urban expressways for Chinese drivers using naturalistic driving data [2012 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology] [EI/ISTP引用]
Impact of a forward collision warning system on headway and reaction time during car following [14th World Conference on Transport Research] [EI引用]
Car-following Headways in Different Driving Situations: A Naturalistic Driving Study [16th COTA conference International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2016)] [EI引用]
Development of a kinematic-based forward collision warning algorithm [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Driving simulator study for drivers’ response time under rear-end scenarios [ICTE] [引用]
Driver collision avoidance behavior after brake [The 4th International Conference on Transportation Engineering, Chengdu] [EI引用]
A driving simulator study for drivers’ response time under rear-end scenarios [The 4th International Conference on Transportation Engineering, Chengdu] [EI引用]
Driver collision avoidance behavior under differing risk of rear-end scenarios [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [ISTP引用]
一种基于连续速度模型的拟人化自动驾驶速度控制策略 [中国智能交通年会] [引用]
人车冲突场景的自动驾驶责任敏感安全模型标定 [中国智能交通年会] [引用]
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