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陈佳雯, 1994年7月生, 上海人


2012.09-2016.07 上海商学院 税收学 经济学学士
2016.09-2019.07 江西师范大学 应用心理 应用心理硕士
2019.09-2025.03 同济大学 交通运输工程 博士研究生




[1]Wang X,Chen J,Quddus M,Zhou W,Shen M. Influence of familiarity with traffic regulations on delivery riders’ e-bike crashes and helmet use: Two mediator ordered logit models[J]. Accident Analysis & Prevention,2021,159:106277.(EI检索, 中科院一区,影响因子5.9)
[2] Chen J,Wang X,Cheng Z,Gao Y,Tremont PJ. Evaluation of the optimal quantity of in-vehicle information icons using a fuzzy synthetic evaluation model in a driving simulator[J]. Accident Analysis & Prevention,2022, 176: 106813.(EI检索, 中科院一区,影响因子5.9)
[3]Chen J,Wang X,Wu M. In-vehicle infotainment, vigilance and distracted driving--a driving simulator study. Transportation Research Board 102st Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA,2023.(国际A类会议论文)
[4]Chen J,Wang X,Cheng Z,Gao Y. HMI evaluation of intelligent cockpit icon quantity: A fuzzy synthetic evaluation model based on a driving simulator. Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA,2022.(国际A类会议论文)
[5]Chen J,Wang X,Yi X,Tang X,Morris A. Identifying core features in enhancing in-vehicle alerts using machine learning models. Transportation Research Board 103nd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA,2024.(国际A类会议论文)
[6]Wu M,Wang X,Chen J. Risk Analysis of Various driving Distractions and individual Driver Characteristics as a Basis for Design of Personalized Early Warning Systems.(国际A类会议论文)
[7]Shi Y,Yi Xin,Liang C,Qin Y,Wang Y,Yan Y,Cheng Z. Zhu P,Zhang S,Li Y,Liu Y,Wang X,Chen J,Zhou W,Wang Y,Zhao D,Du F. HCI Research and Innovation in China: A 10-Year Perspective[J]. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2024, 40:1799-1831.(EI检索, 中科院一区,影响因子4.5)
[8]陈佳雯,王雪松,周楚. 基于综合评估模型的车载界面单行中文字数评估. 交通与运输. 2024.
[9]周清雅,沈明,王雪松,& 陈佳雯. 上海市浦东新区电动自行车骑行者调查报告. 汽车与安全,2019,000(006),88-99.
[10] 陈佳雯,叶宝娟,谭咏梅,杨强,刘露. (2020). 领导和谐式管理对团队绩效的影响:跨水平链式中介模型分析. 中国临床心理学杂志.
[11] 陈佳雯, 叶宝娟, 杨强, 游雅媛, 雷希, 符皓皓. (2017). 主动性人格对大学生创业意向的影响: 有调节的中介效应. 中国临床心理学杂志, 25(04), 739-742.

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