2024年10月07日 星期一
Transferability of Urban Arterial Safety Performance Functions Between Shanghai and Guangzhou [Journal of Transportation Engineering] [SCI/SSCI/EI引用]
Analyzing Single-vehicle and Multi-vehicle Freeway Crashes with Unobserved Heterogeneity [Journal of Transportation Safety & Security] [SSCI/EI引用]
Macro-Level Traffic Safety Longitudinal Comparison in Shanghai, China [Journal of Transportation Engineering] [SCI/EI引用]
Developing Multivariate Time Series Models to Examine the Interrelations between Police Enforcement, Traffic Violations and Traffic Crashes [Analytic Methods in Accident Research] [SSCI/EI引用]
Meso-level hotspot identification for suburban arterials [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Transferability of safety performance functions and hotspot identification for freeways of the United States and China [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Improving the Transferability of the Crash Prediction Model Using the TrAdaBoost [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Freeway Single and Multi-vehicle Crash Safety Analysis: Influencing Factors and Hotspots [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Level-Change Stackelberg Games Model for the Combined Traffic Assignment–Signal Control Equilibrium on Networks [Transportation Research Record] [SCI/EI引用]
Impact of data aggregation approaches on the relationships between operating speed and traffic safety [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SCI/EI引用]
Analysis and comparison of safety models using average daily, average hourly, and microscopic traffic [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Exploring the Impacts of Speed Variances on Safety Performance of Urban Elevated Expressways using GPS Data [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
How to determine an optimal threshold to classify real-time crash-prone traffic conditions? [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Developing a Grouped Random Parameters Multivariate Spatial Model to Explore Zonal Effects for Segment and Intersection Crash Modeling [Analytic Methods in Accident Research] [SSCI/EI引用]
How to determine an optimal threshold to classify real-time crash-prone traffic conditions? [Accident Analysis & Prevention] [SSCI/EI引用]
Speed Variation during Peak and Off-peak hours on Urban Arterials in Shanghai [Transportation Research Part C] [SCI/EI引用]
Crash frequency modeling for signalized intersections in a high-density urban road network [Analytic Methods in Accident Research] [引用]
A systematic approach for hazardous intersection identification and countermeasure development [Journal of Transportation Engineering] [SCI/EI引用]
Identifying intersection related traffic crashes for accurate safety representation. [ITE Journal] [SCI/EI引用]
Using Drivers` Stop/Go Decisions in Driving Simulator to assess rear-end crash risk [Journal of Transportation Safety & Security] [引用]
Incorporating traffic operation measures in safety analysis at signalized intersections [Transportation Research Record] [SCI/EI引用]
Investigation of safety influence area for four-legged signalized intersections [Transportation Research Record] [SCI/EI引用]
中美两国道路交通事故信息采集规范与分析对比研究 [道路交通科学技术] [引用]
连续数据环境下的事故风险预测模型研究 [中国公路学报] [EI引用]
基于随机生存森林的城市快速路交通事件持续时间预测研究 [同济大学学报] [EI引用]
基于车道集计交通流数据的事故风险评估分析 [同济大学学报] [EI引用]
上海道路交通安全现状与改善建议 [交通与运输] [引用]
基于安全可提高空间的事故多发信控交叉口判别 [同济大学学报] [EI引用]
城市主干道交通运行状况分析与影响因素研究 [北京理工大学学报] [EI引用]
美国道路交通事故信息采集及对中国的启示 [中国安全科学学报] [引用]
大型主机系统管理人才培养模式探索 [计算机教育] [引用]
中美道路交通事故信息采集对策与建议 [道路交通管理] [引用]
城市道路交通事故地点文字表述方法研究 [中国安全科学学报] [引用]
上海市道路交通事故地点表述方法研究 [交通与运输] [引用]
以交通工程专业需求为导向的交通统计分析教学改革 [教育教学论坛] [引用]
基于交通冲突技术的交叉口事故多发点判别及致因分析 [武汉理工大学学报] [引用]
基于事故深度调查的城市交通事故特征分析 [中国安全科学学报] [引用]
面向智能交通领域的软件和交通交叉学科人才培养模式探索 [教育研究前沿] [引用]
基于WebService的公安交通综合管理服务请求平台设计 [科技信息] [引用]
浅谈交通工程学科的实验教学 [实验科学与技术] [引用]
基于视频数据的城市隧道交通运行特征与安全研究 [中国安全科学学报] [引用]
基于经验贝叶斯的信控交叉口黑点判别研究 [交通与运输] [引用]
基于动态交通分配的杭州湾跨海大桥紧急事件管理 [同济大学学报] [EI引用]
紧急状态路径诱导对高速公路网络运行特征的影响分析 [枫林学苑] [引用]
Utilizing Imbalanced Classification Algorithm for Real-Time Safety Analysis Using Floating Car Data on Expressway [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Regional Traffic Safety Assessment Considering Crashes and Violations: Safety Risk Level and Influencing Factors [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Roadway Crash Prediction Model Updating in Guangzhou, China [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Traffic Safety Analysis and Model Updating for Freeway Using Bayesian Method [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Hourly Traffic Crash Prediction Using Environmental and Electric Vehicle Big Data [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Traffic Fatality Trends of Seven Developed Countries since 1970 –Assessment, Analysis, and Forecast [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Spatial Models for High-Accurate Hot Zone Identification for E-bikes [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Transferability of Safety Performance Functions and Hotspot Identification for Freeways of the United States and China [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Comparison of Calibration Methods for Improving the Transferability of Safety Performance Functions [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Hot Spot Identification of Urban Arterials at the Meso Level [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Predicting Real-Time Crash Risk on Urban Expressways Using Recurrent Neural Network [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
A Hybrid Approach for Urban Expressway Traffic Incident Duration Prediction with Cox Regression and Random Survival Forests Models [16th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2017)] [EI引用]
Exploration of Macro-level Effects for Segment and Intersection Crash Modeling [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
Research on Automated Modeling Algorithm Using Association Rules for Traffic Accidents [16th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2017)] [EI引用]
Real-time Crash Risk Analysis of Urban Arterials Incorporating Bluetooth, Weather, and Adaptive Signal Control Data [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
A Level-Change Stackelberg Games Model for the Combined Traffic Assignment-Signal Control Equilibrium on Networks [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
Utilizing Latent Class Logit Model to Predict Crash Risk [16th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2017)] [EI引用]
Utilizing Partial Least Squares Path Modeling to Analyze Crash Risk Contributing Factors for Shanghai Urban Expressway System [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
Deep learning for real-time crash prediction on urban expressways [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
Hotspot Identification for Freeways Considering Difference in Single and Multi-vehicle Crashes [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
Speed, Speed Variation, and Crash Relationships for Urban Arterials [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Utilizing stochastic gradient descent for model updating in real-time crash risk prediction [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Relationship between Level of Service and Traffic Safety at Signalized Intersections [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Macro-level Safety Analysis of Pedestrian Crashes in Shanghai, China [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
A Fast Method to Identify the Signalized Intersections’ Operational Condition Based on Floating Car Data [16th COTA conference International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2016)] [引用]
Study on Threshold Selection Method for Real-time Crash Prediction [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [引用]
Urban crash features analysis based on in-depth investigation [ICTE] [引用]
An application of hierarchical conditional autoregressive model for signalized intersection crash frequencies [Road Safety and Simulation International Conference] [引用]
Traffic accidents in Shanghai – general statistics and in-depth analysis [International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles] [引用]
Urban crash features analysis based on In-depth investigation [The 4th International Conference on Transportation Engineering, Chengdu] [EI引用]
A systematic approach for hazardous intersection ldentification and countermeasure development. [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [ISTP引用]
Crash-type propensity analysis with bayesian models using microscopic traffic and weather data [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
Comparison of empirical Bayes and full Bayes methods for crash predictions. [International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals] [EI引用]
Safety analysis on urban arterials considering operational conditions in Shanghai [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [ISTP引用]
How to select the appropriate safety measurement to identify a hotspot [International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals] [EI引用]
How to identify hazardous locations in roadway network [International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals] [EI引用]
A simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model for emergency management on hangzhou bay bridge. [International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals] [EI引用]
Analysis of safety influence area for 4-legged signalized intersections. [International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals] [EI引用]
Web-based application for providing crash profiles at intersections [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [ISTP引用]
A new method to conduct hot spot identification [ITE Annual Meeting and Exhibit] [引用]
Investigation of the relationship between red-light-running (RLR) and related crashes [International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals] [EI引用]
Investigation of relationship between level of service and safety [International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals] [EI引用]
Exploration of a new way to identify high risk locations [International Forum on Traffic Records & Highway Safety Information Systems] [引用]
Intersection related crash identification for accurate safety representation [International Forum on Traffic Records & Highway Safety Information Systems] [引用]
Incorporating traffic operation measures in safety analysis at signalized intersections [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
Investigation of safety influence area for four-legged signalized intersections [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
Assessing rear-end crash risk at signalized intersections based on driver’s behavior [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
Investigation of signalized intersection right-angle crash occurrence at intersection [Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting] [EI/ISTP引用]
Modeling longitudinal crash frequencies at signalized intersections using generalized estimating equations with negative binomial link function [Road Safety on Four Continents International Conference] [引用]
基于多源数据的山区高速公路事故影响因素及主动管控研究 [中国智能交通年会] [引用]
城市主干道交通运行状况分析与影响因素研究 [第三届国际绿色智能交通系统与安全学术会议] [引用]
Analyze speed features for Shanghai urban arterials using floating car data. [中国智能交通年会] [引用]
基于经验贝叶斯的信控交叉口黑点判别研究 [2011年上海市研究生学术论坛] [引用]
城市隧道交通运行与交通安全特征研究——以上海市翔殷路隧道为例 [2011年上海市研究生学术论坛] [引用]
城市道路交通事故地点语义表述规范研究 [2011年上海市研究生学术论坛] [引用]
基于交通冲突技术的交叉口事故多发点判别及致因分析 [第九届全国交通运输领域青年学术会议] [引用]
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